Promovăm energia regenerabilă în România

Sistem de sprijin pentru energia din surse regenerabile

Certificatul verde

Sprijin pentru producătorii de energie regenerabilă.

Implementarea legislației energiei regenerabile în 2005.

Participare activă pe piața certificatelor verzi.

Energie curată
Sustenabilitate totală

Despre noi - Promovăm energia verde

Romenergie a fost înființată în 2003 pentru a sprijini promovarea energiei din surse regenerabile, contribuind la dezvoltarea durabilă a României prin implementarea sistemului de certificate verzi.

Several rows of solar panels are arranged on a grassy hillside, surrounded by dense green trees, suggesting a focus on renewable energy.
Several rows of solar panels are arranged on a grassy hillside, surrounded by dense green trees, suggesting a focus on renewable energy.
Servicii excelente și profesionale.

Client fericit


Energie Regenerabilă România

Oferim consultanță și soluții pentru promovarea energiei din surse regenerabile în România.

Certificare Energie Verde
Rows of solar panels are arranged in a diagonal pattern across a green field. The panels are uniformly spaced and cover a large area, emphasizing renewable energy and sustainability.
Rows of solar panels are arranged in a diagonal pattern across a green field. The panels are uniformly spaced and cover a large area, emphasizing renewable energy and sustainability.

Sprijin pentru obținerea certificatelor verzi pentru energia electrică regenerabilă.

A landscape featuring a large solar panel array in the foreground, with a modern wind turbine to the left. Behind the renewable energy installations, an industrial facility with multiple chimneys and storage tanks is visible under a clear blue sky.
A landscape featuring a large solar panel array in the foreground, with a modern wind turbine to the left. Behind the renewable energy installations, an industrial facility with multiple chimneys and storage tanks is visible under a clear blue sky.
A 3D illustration of a green battery with a glass magnifying circle displaying two green leaves, symbolizing environmentally friendly or green energy.
A 3D illustration of a green battery with a glass magnifying circle displaying two green leaves, symbolizing environmentally friendly or green energy.
Proiecte Durabile

Dezvoltăm și implementăm proiecte de energie regenerabilă pentru un viitor sustenabil.

Consultanță de Specialitate

Expertiză în legislația energiei regenerabile.

Proiecte Energetice

Promovăm energia din surse regenerabile în România din 2003.

Two large wind turbines with three blades each stand against a cloudy blue sky, indicating a focus on renewable energy.
Two large wind turbines with three blades each stand against a cloudy blue sky, indicating a focus on renewable energy.
Certificatul Verde

Sprijin pentru producătorii de energie regenerabilă din 2005.

A clear blue sky provides the backdrop for a modern renewable energy setup featuring a wind turbine and solar panels. The sleek, geometric arrangement of solar panels reflects light while the blades of the wind turbine cut through the sky above.
A clear blue sky provides the backdrop for a modern renewable energy setup featuring a wind turbine and solar panels. The sleek, geometric arrangement of solar panels reflects light while the blades of the wind turbine cut through the sky above.
Sisteme Eficiente

Implementăm soluții inovatoare pentru energie sustenabilă și eficientă.

A field of wind turbines stretches across a vast landscape of lush green forest. The sky is clear with a few scattered clouds, and the turbines appear in neat rows, harnessing wind energy.
A field of wind turbines stretches across a vast landscape of lush green forest. The sky is clear with a few scattered clouds, and the turbines appear in neat rows, harnessing wind energy.
A large wind turbine stands prominently against a partly cloudy sky. It towers above grassy hills, indicating a renewable energy source in a natural landscape.
A large wind turbine stands prominently against a partly cloudy sky. It towers above grassy hills, indicating a renewable energy source in a natural landscape.
Proiecte Diverse

Colaborăm cu parteneri pentru dezvoltarea energiei verzi.

Inovație Verde

Dezvoltăm tehnologii pentru un viitor energetic sustenabil.